Viewed 1 crore 40 lakh shares of producers of drugs to leave the private sector Central Pharmaceuticals Limited. Primary ganaprasatmabera (IPO), through the company without any premium from the general investors will pay a total of 14 million. On Wednesday the company for IPO approval from the Securities eyanda para encenja Commission (SEC), the application has been submitted. Business listings for the state Bharatiya Janata Bharatiya Janata Bank's subsidiary company, Capital Investment Limited, the company's isuya eyanda of managerial responsibility.The Central Pharmaceuticals Ltd., the current paid up capital of 48 crore. At the end of the IPO process, the company's paid up capital of 6 crores will be raised. According to the latest quarterly estimated income of the company seyaraprati (ipiesa) annually _ as 47 paise (enuyalaijada), which is 1 1 88 free days. Seyaraprati asset value of the Company (enaebhi) 1 and 37 paise. Nominal value of shares of any company's 10 aipiote premium will not be accepted.
Coming Soon IPO Central Pharmaceuticals
Viewed 1 crore 40 lakh shares of producers of drugs to leave the private sector Central Pharmaceuticals Limited. Primary ganaprasatmabera (IPO), through the company without any premium from the general investors will pay a total of 14 million. On Wednesday the company for IPO approval from the Securities eyanda para encenja Commission (SEC), the application has been submitted. Business listings for the state Bharatiya Janata Bharatiya Janata Bank's subsidiary company, Capital Investment Limited, the company's isuya eyanda of managerial responsibility.The Central Pharmaceuticals Ltd., the current paid up capital of 48 crore. At the end of the IPO process, the company's paid up capital of 6 crores will be raised. According to the latest quarterly estimated income of the company seyaraprati (ipiesa) annually _ as 47 paise (enuyalaijada), which is 1 1 88 free days. Seyaraprati asset value of the Company (enaebhi) 1 and 37 paise. Nominal value of shares of any company's 10 aipiote premium will not be accepted.
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